Message from CSDE Director, Sara Curran
Posted: 9/28/2020 (CSDE Research)
Welcome to the 2020-21 academic year. While we’re still mostly virtual at CSDE, we are looking forward to a productive year with lots of events, seminars, working groups, and collaborative initiatives. Our seminar series for this autumn will be an engaging one. CSDE Affiliate and School of Nursing Professor Maria Bleil is chairing this year’s seminar series. You can download a printable PDF poster here. Join us for our opening reception on Friday, where you can hear about exciting news regarding our new T32 Training Program, learn about new initiatives our trainees have undertaken or accomplished this summer, and meet some of our new staff members and new members of our leadership team.
This autumn’s seminar series will feature a mix of population scientists speakers outside UW and across campus. On October 9, Dr. Magali Barbieri (UC Berkeley) will be presenting findings from the Human Mortality Database, which she directs. On October 23, Dr. Brittany Morey (UC Irvine) will be speaking about migrant health selectivity and the role of immigrant visas. On November 6, Dr. Claudia Masferrer (El Colegio de Mexico) will be speaking about labor market impacts of US-Mexico return migration.
The seminar will also include speakers from on campus and several panels that feature UW researchers and CSDE community members. On October 30, Dr. Wendy Barrington (School of Nursing) will be speaking on racism as a social determinant of equity. And, on November 13, Dr. Jake Grumbach (Political Science) will present research on gender, race, and intersectionality and campaign finance.
CSDE’s Primary Research Area Chairs, Anjum Hajat and Heather Hill, have organized two fantastic panels this quarter – one on policy analytics and population health and the other on Covid 19 and Child Well Being. With Urban@UW we are co-hosting a panel on displacement in historical Black neighborhoods in Seattle on November 20.
We’ll also be co-hosting a series of lectures with the UW Retirement Association and the UW Alumni Association that focuses on The Future of Aging. For that series, Dr. Eileen Crimmins (USC) will provide a keynote lecture on November 10 on the Aging in the 21st Century: New Issues in a New World. Registration and news about this series will be forthcoming.
With support from the Evans School, we have a new information and communications RA, Veda Patwardhan. Veda is also a CSDE Trainee and PhD Candidate at the Evans School. Veda is your ‘go to’ person for all announcements and news items (send her your news via She will be working with CSDE during the entire academic year to translate your research for news stories, help with press releases, and keep our website full of great content. Please stay in the loop by signing up for our calendar of events.